March 30, 2018

First Post!

Greetings Earthlings!

I thought I might share a blog post or two about Star Wars: Armada.

Wait a minute.  If the plan is to write about a Star Wars miniature game, then why is everything Robotech themed?  I wondered that too, but it turns out that it's just the way things are.  Besides, Disney's buying up everything under the sun, so it probably won't be long before they own the rights to Robotech as well.  Who knows, maybe someday Star Wars will get a really, really Expanded Universe and we might finally get to witness a proper fleet commander spacefold in and show these impotent Imperials and Rebellious scum a thing or two!

"What a disorderly arrangement!
These people are completely ignorant of space war tactics."

I kid, I kid. (Although, now that I think about it, I might just have to mock up some Robotech: Armada cards for myself.)

Joking aside, I hope that you find my Star Wars: Armada thoughts useful, or at least somewhat entertaining.

Farewell Micronian,

Commander Breetai

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